About Seequax
Our mission is to identify gaps in our software world and to fill these gaps intelligently. At the same time, we are enthusiastic listeners: an application comes to life when it is developed in collaboration with people who are actually looking for such an application.
Our apps look attractive, but we are interested in more than a single ”wow“ effect. Our aim is the smile on your face. Only then will we be satisfied – because you are satisfied.
Auch wenn unsere Apps toll aussehen, sind wir nicht an dem einmaligem ‚Wow!‘-Effekt interessiert. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen mit unseren Apps immer mal wieder ein kleines Lächeln auf das Gesicht zu zaubern. Erst dann sind wir richtig zufrieden – weil Sie es dann sind.
Have you been looking for a certain app and could not find it? Are you looking for a partner to develop an app? Then contact us.
Albums! - the music app with the exclamation point

We love music and are enthralled by Apple Music. But there is something that we miss: direct access to the library via a “box concept” instead of long and endless playlists.
Albums! is a music app that has everything you’ve been looking for, and you’ll still be able to use the great music player.
Then there's the superb music player in the Albums! Play Box. Find out more here.
PDWatch4U App

PDWatch4U (Parkinson's Disease) is the prototype of a medical app that supports People with Parkinson's and their doctors in optimizing medication quantities and times. In addition to taking medication regularly, continuous symptom recording, monitoring and analysis is crucial for the patient's quality of life.
The app was tested in practice for several years and was developed in collaboration with an American long-term Parkinson's patient. Please download this flyer for more information: PDWatch4U Flyer.pdf (approx. 1 MB).
Update: NeuroPath (Belgium) acquired the app in March 2021.